
My name is Lilian Galadima

I am a certified AWS Solutions Architect and a Cloud/DevOps Engineer. I build & maintain cloud-based systems and my goal for any enterprise is to improve its business processes by employing beneficial cloud solutions.
Using devops practices, i improve business and development operations by streamlining the creation, testing and maintenance of resources that enable the rapid, efficient delivery of software.

Click here for projects & here for my resume.


Cloud Platforms

AWS MS Azure Digital Ocean


Terraform Ansible Docker Kubernetes Jenkins

Scripting & Development

Linux Administration Bash Scripting Python Javascript HTML & CSS Git & GitHub Vagrant VS Code


architectural diagram for jenkins CI/CD project

CI/CD Pipeline to deploy applications & configure monitoring on EKS

architectural diagram of a serverless CRUD API on AWS

A Serverless CRUD API with AWS

pictorial diagram of a 3-tier architecture on AWS

3-Tier Wordpress Web Architecture with Terraform

architecture of a basic voting application

Kubernetes: Deploying a voting application with multiple components

architecture of backend-laravel-app-with-docker-compose project

Multi-container laravel application with Docker Compose


Automated deployment of static site with AWS S3 using Terraform


Jenkins CI/CD: Build a python-flask app image with Docker and push to Dockerhub

docker-compose logo

Docker Compose to deploy web application


Deploy AWS environment with Terraform & Ansible

architecture of AWS infrastructure configured with Ansible

AWS with Ansible: Load balanced private EC2s in a VPC

ansible & laravel logos

Ansible configuration of a backend laravel application within LAMP server


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Terraform: Deploying a 3-Tier WordPress Architecture on AWS

Automated deployment of a complete WordPress application on a 3-tier AWS architecture

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Deploy Nginx on private EC2 Instances behind Load Balancer

Use an application load balancer to route traffic requests to private instances configured with the Nginx web server

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Create Custom Virtual Private Cloud on AWS

Steps to creating a custom VPC with public and private subnets, an internet gateway and route tables

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The Linux Operating System

As a cloud professional, you MUST have knowledge of the Linux operating system...





+234 811-6844-664


Abuja, Nigeria